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Antonio Ligabue. Una vita da artista

Antonio Ligabue (1899-1965) è stato uno degli artisti più originali del Novecento, capace di emozionare con una pennellata di colore e di trasportarci all’interno del suo mondo genuino e visionario. Nato a Zurigo, dopo un’infanzia e un’adolescenza difficili viene espulso dalla Svizzera e giunge nel 1919 a Gualtieri, in provincia di Reggio Emilia, patria del […]

An artist known as Banksy

Born in Bristol around 1974, generically classified as street artist, Banksy is an exemplary case of popularity for a living artist since the days of Andy Warhol. Today, many consider him the greatest global artist of the new Millennium.Banksy represents the best evolution of the original Pop Art. He is the sole artist able to […]

De Nittis and the revolution of seeing

De Nittis, like Boldini, was a prominent figure on the late-nineteenth-century Parisian scene throughout his career, first as avant-garde exponent of the realist school in southern Italy, and later as a full-fledged part of the Parisian innovators with whom he shared interests in photography and Japanese art, fields that profoundly influenced his work. As a […]

Boldini e la moda

“Boldini knew how to reproduce that dazzling feeling women wish to create when they are seen in their best moments.” With these words, Cecil Beaton, one of the most famous fashion photographers of the 20th century, acknowledged the talent of the Ferrarese painter in portraying the voluptuous elegance of the cosmopolitan elite of the Belle […]


A Palazzo dei Diamanti, una rassegna dedicata al contemporaneo. Il progetto, ideato da Maria Luisa Pacelli, vuole offrire uno sguardo attuale sulle questioni aperte dalle esposizioni allestite nel percorso tradizionale e dedicate ad artisti storicizzati, attraverso il confronto critico ed espositivo con il lavoro di interpreti contemporanei che lavorano su tematiche affini. Flavio de Marco. […]

Courbet and Nature

Provocateur, father of realism, and a man of complex personality, Courbet was also an excellent landscape painter for whom nature was his principal inspiration. It is not by chance than two thirds of his production consists of panoramas, scenes, glimpses, horizons, and rural landscapes, in which nature is the subject. Gustave Courbet returns to Italy […]

States of Mind Poetics of the self from Previati to Boccioni

From the dawn of the modern age, when scientists and writers competed to explore the darkest depths of the psyche, some restless and visionary artists experimented with a new visual language in order to open up the realms of the imagination and dreams and give expression to the states of the mind. The exhibition slated […]

Carlo Bononi. The Last Dreamer of the Ferrarese School

Carlo Bononi. Although virtually unknown to the public today, in the past, the name Carlo Bononi drew the attention of artists, patrons, scholars, and art lovers. A prolific, great artist, restless experimenter and indefatigable traveler, Bononi occupies an extremely important role in seventeenth century art history. Bononi’s career spanned the era in Italy from the […]

Orlando Furioso 500 years What did Ariosto see when he closed his eyes

«Quando entro nel Furioso, veggo aprirsi una tribuna, una galleria regia, ornata di cento statue antiche de’ più celebri scultori […], di cristalli, d’agate, di lapislazzuli e d’altre gioie, e finalmente ripiena di cose rare, preziose, meravigliose» Galileo Galilei What did Ariosto see when he closed his eyes? Which artworks acted as muses to his […]

De Chirico a Ferrara. Metafisica e avanguardie

“Hyper original,” to Salvador Dalí, moving to the point of tears, for René Magritte: Giorgio de Chirico’s painting won over some of the greatest surrealist artists and was enormously influential on twentieth century art. De Chirico was the brilliant inventor of metaphysical painting, one of the most important artistic trends in the modern period, in […]