About Us

Palazzo dei Diamanti is an exhibition space owned by the Municipality of Ferrara used for important exhibitions of international importance aimed at following the great historical-artistic tradition of the city.

/ Fondazione Ferrara Arte

Ferrara Arte is a foundation that was created for the purpose of organizing exhibitions of international significance following in the city’s tradition as a centre of art and culture.

Their first show was in 1991-92 when, together with the Musée Marmottan, Ferrara Arte organized a retrospective of the works of Giovanni Boldini in Paris, which was followed by the exhibition Claude Monet e i suoi amici in Ferrara. Since then, Ferrara Arte has regularly organized exhibitions on a variety of themes: ancient art, European art from the 1400s to the 1900s, 20th century Italian art, and last but not least, great works of modern and contemporary Ferrarese painting. The combined strength of the quality of their initiatives and their ability to attract audiences, their strong vocation to plan and realize these projects in collaboration with other museums and internationally recognized Italian and foreign scholars; their interest in exploring beyond the best known artists and movements, including delving into the past to reveal lesser known artists and movements, and finally, their ability for long term planning which is the seal that guarantees how seriously they undertake to achieve their goals. Many thanks are owed to museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid, the Museo del Prado, the Tate, Bozar Brussels, who have worked with Ferrara Arte in organizing these exhibitions.

In addition to the exhibitions held in Palazzo dei Diamanti, Fondazione Ferrara Arte has constantly promoted initiatives aimed at enhancing the city’s historical, cultural and artistic heritage and, especially in recent years, has expanded its offering by organizing exhibitions in other prestigious locations in the city (from the Este Castle to the Palazzina Marfisa d’Este, from the Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea to Palazzo Bonacossi).


Fondazione Ferrara Arte

Vittorio Sgarbi

Consiglio di amministrazione
Taira Mora
Federica Righetti
Andrea Susmel
Davide Urban

Pietro Di Natale

Relazioni istituzionali e supporto organizzativo
Anna Rosa Fava

Ufficio presidenza e direzione
Alessandra Cavallaroni

Lucia Angelini

Ufficio mostre
Elisa Maria Gervasi

Ufficio editoriale
Francesca Gavioli
Rossella Merighi
Laura Quaggia
Giulia Bratti

Ufficio comunicazione digitale e promozione
Andrea Forlani
Alessandro Fregnani

Daniela Vacchi
Stefania Zaghi
Jonatha Mangherini

Ufficio amministrativo e gestionale
Barbara Rizzati
Patrizia Sandoli
Francesca Riberti

Ufficio tecnico e sicurezza
Giuseppe Cestari
Rita Berselli

Luca Mondin

Ufficio informatico
Loris Mauro
Marco Zanirato

Comune di Ferrara

Alan Fabbri

Assessore alla Cultura, ai Musei, ai
Monumenti storici, alla Civiltà ferrarese,
ai rapporti con l’Unesco, ai Beni Monumentali, al Palio

Marco Gulinelli

Dirigente del Servizio Musei d’Arte
Ethel Guidi

Conservatrice responsabile Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Chiara Vorrasi

Conservatori Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea
Vasilij Gusella
Ester Brina

Coordinamento editoriale, comunicazione e promozione
Federica Sani

Segreteria Assessorato alla Cultura
Catia Iazzetta

Ufficio informazioni e prenotazioni
Federica Novelli
Silvia Affaticati
Cristina Lago

Ufficio amministrativo
Cosetta Rimondi

Ufficio stampa
Anja Rossi

/ Palazzo dei Diamanti

So called thanks to the very particular shape of the more than 8,500 blocks of marble that make up its rustication, the Palazzo dei Diamanti is one of the most famous Renaissance buildings in the world.

Designed by Biagio Rossetti, the palace was built on behalf of Sigismondo d’Este, brother of Duke Ercole I d’Este, starting in 1493, and constitutes the ideal center of the so-called “Addizione Erculea”, a real doubling of the city which Rossetti conceived for the duke.

The building was purchased by the Municipality in 1832. On the ground floor there are the spaces used for important temporary exhibitions, organized by Ferrara Arte and by the Galleries of Modern and Contemporary Art of Ferrara, while on the first floor the building houses the Pinacoteca Nazionale di Ferrara which preserves a historical-artistic collection of exceptional value.

Il restauro

Il progetto per il Palazzo dei Diamanti consiste in una serie organica di interventi finalizzati al restauro e alla valorizzazione del complesso cinquecentesco e all’adeguamento degli spazi, sia interni sia esterni, a fini espositivi.

Leggi di più

/ History


Some documents attest that the construction works of the building, designed by Biagio Rossetti, have already begun.


The facade of the building is already decorated "with marble and diamonds".


The completion of the building was entrusted to Cristoforo da Milano and Girolamo da Pasino, while the sculptures of the facade were commissioned to Gabriele Frisoni.


The palace was inherited by Cardinal Luigi d'Este, second son of Duke Ercole II, who had the grand staircase and the roof of the large hall on the first floor built.


The palace was inherited by Cardinal Luigi d'Este, second son of Duke Ercole II, who had the grand staircase and the roof of the large hall on the first floor built.


The palace was inherited by Cardinal Luigi d'Este, second son of Duke Ercole II, who had the grand staircase and the roof of the large hall on the first floor built.


The building was sold to the Marquis Villa, who commissioned some interventions, including the creation of the sculpted candelabra on the sides of the entrance.


The Municipality of Ferrara bought the building in order to house the Art Gallery and the Civic University.


A bombing seriously damaged the building. Several restoration campaigns followed after the war.